Quantifying the statistical skills needed to be a Google Data Scientist

by DAVID MEASE and AMIR NAJMI What does someone need to know in order to be a successful data scientist at Google? This blog post shares a set of questions that were answered by Google data scientists and how they did. See how much you agree with the authors’ view of the importance of these questions in assessing practical data science ability. Defining "Data Scientist" If you look through job listings at Google for data scientists , you will find a role called “Data Scientist - Research” (DS-R for short). This role has several explicit requirements including statistical expertise, programming/ML, communication, data analysis/intuition. Focusing narrowly on the first of these, the description currently states that candidates “will bring scientific rigor and statistical methods to the challenges of product creation”. Internally, more detailed text descriptions exist to parallel these external descriptions. For this DS-R role at Google, part of the internal text description i...